How I Grow: Months Five and Six
EDIS Cover Volume 2003 Number 14  mother and son fishingimage



How to Cite

Ferrer, Millie, Keith Gouin, and Anne M. Fugate. 2003. “How I Grow: Months Five and Six: FCS2219 FY634, 8 2003”. EDIS 2003 (14). Gainesville, FL.


Welcome to another fascinating stage in your baby’s development. At this age, babies are very happy and sociable, and much more physically active. You will see your baby’s interest in his surroundings grow. Your baby will respond more to people and objects. What a great time to be a parent! Your baby is developing a strong curiosity about the world around him. Parents who lovingly attend to their baby’s needs help him develop physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. This document is FCS2219, one of a series of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, UF/IFAS, Gainesville, FL 32611. First published: August 2003.


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O'Brien, S., E. Rooks-Weir, and S. Smith. 1996. Your Baby's First Year: Development During Month Six. University of Florida/IFAS Fact Sheet HE2037

University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. 2002 . Keys to Great Parenting. Cuddle, Talk, and Read With Your Child. [Brochure].

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