Competitiveness of the Spanish and Dutch Greenhouse Industries With the Florida Fresh Vegetable Industry
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How to Cite

Cantliffe, Daniel J., and John J. Vansickle. 2003. “Competitiveness of the Spanish and Dutch Greenhouse Industries With the Florida Fresh Vegetable Industry: HS918/CV284, 5/2003”. EDIS 2003 (9). Gainesville, FL.


This document is HS918, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: May 2003.


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Costa, J.M. and E. Heuvelink. 2000. Greenhouse Horticulture in Almeria (Spain: Report on a Study Tour 24-29 January 2000). Horticultural Production Chains Group. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Pp. 119.

Florida Agricultural Statistics Service. Vegetable Summary 1998-99. April, 2000.

Lightfoot-Brown, S. 2000. Horticulture Study Tour to Southern Spain, 14-21 March, 2000.

Smith, Scott A. and Timothy G. Taylor. Production Costs for Selected Florida Vegetables 1997-98. Univ. FL Econ. Info. Report EI 99-3. August 1999.

Martinez, Pedro-Florián. 1999. An Overview of the Southern European Greenhouse Industry. 21st Annual Canadian Greenhouse Conference. Oct. 27, 1999., University of Guelph. 23 pages total.

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