Scentless Plant Bugs, Jadera sp. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Rhopalidae)
EDIS Cover Volume 2002 Number 9 teacher and students image
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How to Cite

Mead, Frank W., and Thomas R. Fasulo. 2002. “Scentless Plant Bugs, Jadera Sp. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Rhopalidae): EENY130 IN287, 5 2000”. EDIS 2002 (9). Gainesville, FL.


This document is EENY-130 (originally published as DPI Entomology Circular 277), one of a series of Featured Creatures from the Entomology and Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Published: May 2000.
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Blatchley, W.S. 1926. Heteroptera or true bugs of eastern North America with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Pub. Co., Indianapolis, IN. 1116 p.

Chopra, N.P. 1967. The higher classification of the family Rhopalidae (Hemiptera). Trans. Royal Entomol. Soc. London 119: 363-399.

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Hoebeke, E.R., and A.G.Wheeler, Jr. 1982. Rhopalus (Brachycarenus) tigrinus, recently established in North America, with a key to the genera and species of Rhopalidae in eastern North America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 85: 213-224.

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Schaefer, C.W., and N.P. Chopra. 1982. Cladistic analysis of the Rhopalidae, with a list of food plants. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 75: 224-233.

Wheeler, A.G., Jr. 1990. Bed bugs and other bugs. Pp. 313-345 in A. Mallis, ed., Handbook of pest control: The behavior, life history, and control of household pests, 7th edit. Franzak & Foster Co., Cleveland, OH.

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