Eucalyptus and Corymbia Species for Pulpwood, Mulchwood, Energywood, Windbreaks, and/or Phytoremediation
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Rockwood, Donald L., and Gary F. Peter. 2018. “Eucalyptus and Corymbia Species for Pulpwood, Mulchwood, Energywood, Windbreaks, and Or Phytoremediation: CIR1194 FR013, Rev. 7 2018”. EDIS 2018 (September). Gainesville, FL:6.


In Florida, Eucalyptus species grow faster than our native tree species. E. grandis (EG), E. grandis x E. urophylla (EH), E. benthamii (EB), and E. amplifolia (EA), in particular, are fast-growing trees that, when planted on suitable sites and managed properly, produce commercial products such as mulchwood, pulpwood, energywood, and bioproducts. Eucalyptus can also phytoremediate, i.e., remediate environmental problems (Table 1). Eucalyptus species are not invasive, having been planted commercially in Florida since the 1960s without spreading from managed plantations. EG and EA, along with Corymbia torelliana (CT), also may be used as windbreaks for citrus and vegetables. This circular describes potential applications and presents planting guidelines for these species.

This 6-page fact sheet is a minor revision written by D. L. Rockwood and G. F. Peter, and publsihed by the School of Forest Resources and Conservation Department, July 2018.

CIR1194/FR013: Eucalyptus and Corymbia Species for Mulchwood, Pulpwood, Energywood, Bioproducts, Windbreaks, and/or Phytoremediation (
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