Economic Value of Florida Water Resources: Value Derived by Tourists and Recreationists from Freshwater-Based Recreation
Santa Fe River
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willingness to pay

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Borisova, Tatiana, Tara Wade, Xiang Bi, Kurt Oehlbeck, and Kelly A. Grogan. 2019. “Economic Value of Florida Water Resources: Value Derived by Tourists and Recreationists from Freshwater-Based Recreation: FE1067, 8 2019”. EDIS 2019 (5). Gainesville, FL:8.


This 8-page fact sheet written by Tatiana Borisova, Tara Wade, Xiang Bi, Kurt Oehlbeck, and Kelly Grogan and published by the UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department is part 3 of the series “Economic Value of Florida Water Resources.” It uses Florida-based economic studies to provide natural resource professionals and interested citizens with information regarding the value of water-based tourism and recreation in Florida.
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