Simulation of Reaction Kinetics Using Equivalent Hydrodynamic Models: Modeling and Laboratory Experiment


  • Redhouane Henda King Saud University


A safe and low-cost experiment is described for an undergraduate laboratory experiment in chemical reaction kinetics.  Using an analogy between the models of flow of nonviscous liquids in ducts and the models of chemical reaction kinetics, equivalent hydrodynamic models were set up.  Ducts of different forms, mimicking four reaction rates, were designed.  The obtained experimental results are then exploited by students to identify the kinetic parameters graphically and using a mathematical software.



Redhouane Henda is an Assistant Professor at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'lngenieurs de Genie Chimique, Institute National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France). His interests include diffusion-convection-reaction systems, solid coatings, and application of microwave frequencies to chemical processes.


