How Do We Cheddar Cheese?


  • Margot A. Vigeant Bucknell University
  • Tiffany Jones



No, the title of this article isn’t a typo! While cheddar is a noun for most of us most of the time, to a cheesemaker, it’s a verb! To help take us though the story of why one of the world’s most popular cheeses is so special, let me introduce Tiffany Jones! Tiffany is a 2024 BS graduate in Chemical Engineering at Bucknell University and spent her senior year with me developing some cheesy ChemE problems that we’d like to share with you now.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University

Margot A. Vigeant is co-acting president and interim provost at Bucknell University. She teaches chemical engineering thermodynamics, applied food science and engineering, and capstone design. Margot’s broad research area is effective pedagogy in engineering, including approaches to conceptual learning and inquiry-based activities for thermodynamics and heat transfer.  She is also interested in “making” in engineering and using technology to broaden engagement and access. Margot completed her doctorate at the University of Virginia. She is an ASEE Fellow, Apple Distinguished Educator.

Tiffany Jones

Tiffany Jones is a 2024 Chemical Engineering graduate of Bucknell University. In her first week on campus, she started talking with Prof. Vigeant about working on food-related research. Tiffany’s excited to combine her passion for food with her engineering career as she starts work at Kraft Heintz in Global Manufacturing.





Food For Thought