Globalization, Pluralization, and Erosion: The Impact of Shifting Societal Expectations for Advocacy and Public Good


  • Melissa Dodd University of Central Florida


Palabras clave:

activism, advocacy, corporate social advocacy, democracy, public interest communications, public good


This research contributes to the theoretical conceptualization of public advocacy in several ways: First, this research positions the emergence of corporate engagement in controversial social-political issues within a broader multidisciplinary conversation about shifting societal expectations surrounding the roles of business and governments in a democratic society. This research explores the implications for democracy as a public good when business plays an increasingly central and powerful role as decision-makers and problem-solvers of the most important issues facing society. Next, this research discusses how globalization, pluralization, increased corporate power and pressures, and the erosion of traditional institutions contribute to a politicized corporation. Finally, this research concludes with theoretical propositions for moving forward with an advocacy and public interest communications research agenda.

Biografía del autor/a

Melissa Dodd, University of Central Florida

Melissa D. Dodd, Ph.D., APR is assistant professor of advertising-public relations at the University of Central Florida's Nicholson School of Communication.


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