Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Chemical Engineering Undergraduates Through Course Projects




While innovation commonly stems from the Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM), its integration within chemical engineering curricula has been notably limited. However, a shift is occurring as both private and public initiatives are now directing resources and attention toward equipping students for prosperous careers. This paper delineates the successful incorporation of EM modules into the curricula across two distinct institutions and various course levels, presenting a potential blueprint for assessing EM's efficacy within diverse academic settings.



Timothy M. Shenk, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Engineering at Campbell University. His research focuses on learning to learn and self-growth, as well as developing undergraduate student research with a focus on polymers. He teaches the junior and senior chemical and pharmaceutical concentration courses and general engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer. He earned his PhD from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. 


Nian Liu, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering since 2017. He is also a 2021 Jim Pope CREATE-X Faculty Fellow at Georgia Tech. He received his BS in 2009 from Fudan University in China and PhD in 2014 from Stanford University. His research focus is on emerging electrochemical technologies for addressing global energy challenges. 




Summer School Special Section