JAVA-Based Heat Transfer Visualization Tools


  • Haishan Zheng Michigan Technological University
  • Jason M. Keith Michigan Technological University


Two JAVA-based applet programs have been developed for web-based instruction of transient conduction heat transfer within solid objects. One program allows students to enter key parameters and watch a "heat transfer movie" of their system. A second program is an improved web version of the Heisler charts, which are commonly located within textbooks. The impact on learning and an example of how these tools can lead to increased student visualization and comprehension is given participate in the program and the activities should be incorporated as a regular practice in the engineering curriculum.

Biografia do Autor

Haishan Zheng, Michigan Technological University

Haishan Zheng is a PhD candidate in chemical engineering at Michigan Technological University. He received his BS in 1993 and his MS in 1996 from Beijing University of Technology, China. Before studying at Michigan Technological University, he worked as a chemical engineer at Guangdong Petrol-Chemical Research Institute in China.

Jason M. Keith, Michigan Technological University

Jason Keith is Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He received his BS in chemical engineering in 1995 from the University of Akron and his PhD from the University of Notre Dame in 2000. He teaches transport phenomena, reactor design, and a project-based elective design course in alternative fuels and fuel cells.





