Student Evaluations of U.S. Chemical Safety Board Case Study Videos using a ChE Process Safety Assignment



Safety, Students and Student-Centered, Teaching methods


A ChE process safety assignment using case study videos produced by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) is described. Study of student perceptions of video quality and effectiveness of 25 CSB videos identified a number of entries highly-regarded by students which would make good choices for in-class discussion / assignments. Student ratings of videos’ visuals and effectiveness had a highly statistically significant positive correlation, confirming visual ethos theory from contemporary communication rhetoric literature.

Biografia do Autor

Matthew E. Cooper, North Carolina State University

Dr. Matthew Cooper is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University where he teaches courses in Senior Design, Material and Energy Balances, Unit Operations, Transport Phenomena and Mathematical/Computational Methods. He is the recipient of numerous teaching and pedagogical research awards, including the NCSU Outstanding Teacher Award, NCSU Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award, ASEE ChE Division Raymond W. Fahien Award, and the 2013 and 2017 ASEE Joseph J. Martin Awards for Best Conference Paper. Dr. Cooper’s research interests include effective teaching, integrating writing and speaking into the curriculum, process safety and professional ethics.





