Fifteen Years in the Trenches: An Updated Suite of Scenario-Based Academic Integrity Videos


  • Adam Melvin LSU
  • Lisa G. Bullard NC State



Scenario-based academic integrity videos previously developed by the authors have been updated to address changes in technology and on-line resources, expand the application to more general STEM courses, and include new scenarios. Student understanding of academic integrity expectations before and after watching the video was assessed, and initial results indicate that students’ understanding of what behaviors are allowed and disallowed changes dramatically with regard to several particularly problematic behaviors.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Adam Melvin, LSU

Adam Melvin, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Cain Department of Chemical Engineering at Louisiana State University.  He earned his PhD from N.C. State University. His research interests include biosensor development and microscale technologies to control and investigate cell-to-cell communication and the cellular response to external stimuli.  He has taught both material & energy balances and the unit operations lab.  He is active in educating students about ethical decision making in these classes. 

Lisa G. Bullard, NC State

Lisa G. Bullard is an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University.  She received her BS in Chemical Engineering from NC State and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.  She served in engineering and management positions within Eastman Chemical Company from 1991-2000.  A faculty member at NC State since 2000, Dr. Bullard’s research interests lie in the areas of teaching and advising effectiveness, academic integrity, and instruction in material and energy balances and capstone process design.





