Developing the Best Correlation for Estimating the Transfer of Oxygen from Air to Water


  • Wayne A. Brown McGill University


Solving practical problems in chemical engineering often requires the development and application of empirical equations.  Often a dimensionless-group approach is used to generalize the results pertaining to a particular problem. A laboratory exercise was developed aimed at exposing students to an approach on how to arrive at the best empirical equation.  The process studied was the transfer of oxygen to water.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Wayne A. Brown, McGill University

Wayne A. Brown has held the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at McGill University since 1999. Prior to that he worked for five years in the oil sand industry, first as a process engineer and then as a research scientist. He received his formal training at McGill, receiving his BEng (1989), MEng (1991), and PhD (1998) from the Department of Chemical Engineering.





