Integrating Process Safety into ChE Education and Research


  • M.S. Mannan Texas A&M University
  • A. Akgerman Texas A&M University
  • R.G. Anthony Texas A&M University
  • R. Darby Texas A&M University
  • P.T. Eubank Texas A&M University
  • K.R. Hall Texas A&M University


The job description of chemical engineers has changed dramatically over the past several years. Universities must adapt to this change and respond to the needs of their students.  The Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center at Texas A&M University has been established to produce engineers and practitioners trained in process safety, to provide the chemical processing industry with the research base needed to compete successfully, and to provide an independent process safety resource for academia, government, and the world-wide chemical processing industries.  A goal of the Center is to be a catalyst for the process industry to develop and maintain a culture in which safety is second nature in all activities and operations.  This safety awareness culture can be accomplished gradually through the research, education, service, and training programs of the Center.





