Electrochemical Engineering in the Process Laboratory Course


  • Jan B. Talbot University of California


The process laboratory course is an excellent vehicle to teach and demonstrate electrochemical engineering principles.  The projects in the laboratory have spanned from energy conversion to electroplating to environmental engineering.  The electrochemical engineering projects typically involve thermodynamics, kinetics, transport processes (diffusion, convection, and electromigration), reactor design, and scale-up.  These electrochemical processes can be analyzed using chemical engineering principles, with the main difference being the addition of the effects of a potential gradient and current distribution.


Jan B. Talbot, University of California

Jan B. Talbot is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of California, San Diego. She received her BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. She worked as a development engineer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for six years before returning to academia and receiving her PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1986 . Her current research interests are in the areas of information display technology and electrochemical engineering, particularly electrodeposition.





