A Synchronous Distance Education Course for Non-Scientists Coordinated Among Three Universities
A Synchronous Distance Education (SDE) course, jointly offered by Auburn University, Tuskegee University and Auburn University at Montgomery, introduced non-science majors to the concepts of nanoscience. Lectures originated from each of the three campuses during the semester, and video conferencing equipment allowed students at all three campuses to view the lectures in real time. The Intercampus Interactive Telecommunication System Office at the University of Alabama at Birmingham facilitated the three way interaction of the participating institutions and provided streaming archiving for asynchronous viewing. The course was offered in Spring 2007 and Fall 2007 with a total enrollment of fifty eight students. Pre and post course assessments were administered to the students and indicated that student knowledge, varying bycampus and the semester that the course was offered, increased from 7.8 % - 29.2%. Details related to resource requirements, course framework and execution, student outcomes and lessonslearned are discussed.