Game Theoretic Analysis of the Feedback Loop Caused by Widely Available Computer Estimation on Market Values


  • Viorel Silaghi Florida Institute of Technology
  • Zobaida Alssadi Florida Institute of Technology
  • Ben Mathew Florida Institute of Technology
  • Majed Alotaibi Florida Institute of Technology
  • Ali Alqarni Florida Institute of Technology
  • Marius Silaghi Florida Institute of Technology


Mots-clés :

Game Theory, agent-based model, Prediction


Public availability of computer generated predictions can change the markets and its impact is here investigated with a game theoretic approach.
Real estate inflation is not a new phenomenon but its consistent and almost monotonous persistence over unusually many years, coinciding with new prominence of public estimation information from successful Mass Real Estate Estimators (\MREE{}) already caused various independent research organizations to investigate potential links.
What we model is a repetitive theoretical game between the MREEs and the home owners, where each player has secret information and expertise.
In contrast to competing results, for our model and simulations a restriction of MREE-style price estimation availability to opt-in properties may help partially reduce an inflationary pressure.




Comment citer

Silaghi, V., Alssadi, Z., Mathew, B., Alotaibi, M., Alqarni, A., & Silaghi, M. (2024). Game Theoretic Analysis of the Feedback Loop Caused by Widely Available Computer Estimation on Market Values. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 37(1).