Influence of spray volume, ground speed, and a sensor-actuated spray controller on melanose control and fruit marking in fresh Indian River grapefruit ED Stover, James Salvatore, Peter Mcclure 1-5 PDF
Greenhouse testing of rootstocks for resistance to phytophthora species in flatwoods soil Kim D. Bowman, Joseph P. Albano, James H. Graham 10-13 PDF
Fertilization, rootstocks, growth and yields of young 'rohde red' valencia orange trees Frederick S. Davies, Glenn R. Zalman 14-17 PDF
Yield and fruit quality of 'olinda valencia' trees grown on nine rootstocks in Saudi Arabia Ali Al-Jaleel, Mongi Zekri 17-22 PDF
Pruning and skirting effects on canopy microclimate, growth, and flowering of 'orlando' tangelo trees Paula Morales, Frederick S. Davies 22-26 PDF
Considerations for improving honeybee pollination of citrus hybrids in Florida L. Gene Albrigo, Ralph V. Russ 27-31 PDF
Quality attributes associated with different centrifugation times in fresh-cut cabbage Ebenezer Oliveira Silva, Marcelo Augusto Gutierrez Carnelossi, Rolf Puschmann, Rodrigo Da Silveira Campos, Ricardo Alexandre Lourenconi Cardoso, Celso L. Moretti 32-35 PDF
Improvements in sanitation of flumes or dump tanks in packinghouses Michael J. Mahovic, Jerry A. Bartz 35-37 PDF
Changes in organic acid composition of citrus juices during the 2000-2001 season Paul F. Cancalon, Yehong Xu 37-41 PDF
Effects of rootstock on fruit quality and postharvest behavior of 'marsh' grapefruit T. G. Mccollum, K. D. Bowman, W. S. Castle 44-46 PDF
The comparison of a metal oxide based electronic nose, gas chromatograph, and a mass spectrometer based chemical sensor Kevin L. Goodner, Carlos A. Margaria, Elizabeth A. Baldwin, Vanessa R. Kinton 46-49 PDF
A portable, digital device for measuring tomato firmness Mark A. Ritenour, Elizabeth M. Lamb, Peter J. Stoffella, Steven A. Sargent 49-52 PDF
Detection and identification threshold values for key flavor components in an orange juice matrix Carlos A. Margaria, Kevin L. Goodner, Elizabeth A. Baldwin, Renee M. Goodrich 53-54 PDF
A retention index scheme for use with sulfur specific detectors Kevin L. Goodner, Carlos A. Margaria, Elizabeth A. Baldwin 54-55 PDF
Non-destructive brix sensing of Florida grapefruit and honey tangerine William M. Miller, Manuela Zude 56-60 PDF
Evaluation of bacillus subtilis as potential biocontrol agent for postharvest green mold control on 'Valencia' orange Jiuxu Zhang, Huating Dou 60-64 PDF
Evaluation of different oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen combinations employed to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut collard greens Celso L. Moretti, Alessandra Lima Araujo, Waldir Aparecido Marouelli, Washington Luiz Carvalho Silva 64-67 PDF
Postharvest ethylene treatment for uniform ripening of West Indian type avocado fruit in Florida Donald J. Huber, Steven A. Sargent, Jonathan H. Crane 68-71 PDF
Perforation-mediated modified atmosphere packaging of sweetcorn Gamal S. Riad, Jeffrey K. Brecht, Khe V. Chau 71-75 PDF
Ultrastructural development and other characteristics of stylar-end russeting of 'navel' oranges in Florida L. Gene Albrigo, Dianne S. Achor, Ken Townsend 76-79 PDF
Effect of storage temperature on ripening and postharvest quality of grape and mini-pear tomatoes Keri P. Roberts, Steven A. Sargent, Abbie J. Fox 80-84 PDF
The acquisition and introduction of Asian tropical fruit with potential for south Florida Richard J. Campbell, Noris Ledesma 87-88 PDF
International marketing of lychee and what is the future for Florida growers A. Ray Rafie, Carlos F. Balerdi 88-90 PDF
Acquiring weather information for frost control decisions J. David Martsolf, C. Terry Morrow 93-96 PDF
High night temperatures during bloom affect fruit set in peach Robert E. Rouse, Wayne B. Sherman 96-97 PDF
Hydrogen cyanamide accelerates vegetative budbreak and shortens fruit development period of blueberry Jeffrey G. Williamson, Brian E. Maust, E. Paul Miller, Gerard Krewer 100-104 PDF
Investigating the Xylella fastidiosa in pierce's disease resistant and susceptible grapevines Xia Xu, Hong Huang, Jiang Lu 105-108 PDF
Muscadine rootstock increased the resistance of Florida hybrid bunch grape cv. 'Blanc du bois' to pierce's and anthcranose diseases Zhongbo Ren, Jiang Lu 108-110 PDF
Postharvest characteristics of zinnia and sunflower cut flowers as influenced by shipping, hydration and preservatives Everett R. Emino, Becky Hamilton 111-114 PDF
Floral design buying preferences of students at Florida Southern College John L. Griffis Jr. 115-117 PDF
Randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) analysis of the musk roses (rosa moschata) Carmella Frederick, Amanda Wagner, Nancy Morvillo 117-119 PDF
Investigation of the origin of 'Champneys' pink cluster', 'Blush noisette' and 'napoleon' roses using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (rapd) analysis Amanda Wagner, Carmella Frederick, Nancy Morvillo 120-122 PDF
Solarization as a potential approach for recycling wastes of potting media and as an alternative to methyl bromide for field-grown bedding plants Gladis M. Zinati, Herbert H. Bryan, Merlyn M. Codallo 123-127 PDF
Web blight of East india holly fern caused by Rhizoctonia solani Tillman F. Wood, IV, Robert T. McMillan,Jr., William R. Graves 128-130 PDF
Pesticide mode of action codes to aid ornamental growers in developing control programs to manage pest resistance Elzie Mccord, Jr., James F. Price, Curtis A. Nagle 130-133 PDF
The influence of cutting size, leaf area and shipping on coleus cutting quality parameters including rooting Christopher J. Hamilton, Everett R. Emino, Carolyn A. Bartuska 134-136 PDF
Creation of an educational workbook for incorporating plant science across the curriculum Elizabeth M. Lamb, Anita S. Neal 140-142 PDF
Replacing calcareous soils with acid soils to grow rainforest species at Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami Min Zhang, Yuncong Li, Peter Stoffella, Mike McLaughlin 146-149 PDF
2001-2002 winter overseed trials on fairway and putting green bermudagrass Laurie E. Trenholm, Shireley F. Anderson, Al. E. Dudeck 149-156 PDF
Production and marketing techniques for snow peas from stephen's produce "garden fresh" vegetables at local green markets in Palm Beach County, Florida Kenneth D. Shuler, Stephen J. Nie, Pei_Ann N. Shuler, Daniel G. Shuler 161-166 PDF
Production and marketing techniques for beans from stephen's produce "garden fresh" vegetables at local green markets in Palm Beach County, Florida Kenneth D. Shuler, Stephen J. Nie, Pei -Ann Shuler 166-175 PDF
Survival of stored and shipped Phytoseiulus persimilis predators for twospotted spider mite control in strawberry (Fragaria Xananassa duch.) James F. Price, Elzie Mccord Jr., Dan E. Legard, Craig K. Chandler 176-177 PDF
Pesticide mode of action codes to aid strawberry growers in developing control programs to manage pest resistance Elzie Mccord Jr., James F. Price, Curtis A. Nagle 178-179 PDF
Use of kaolin clay for disease control in greenhouse cucumbers Elizabeth M. Lamb, Erin N. Rosskopf, Chip Koblegard 180-182 PDF
Control of gummy stem blight of watermelon with plant defense activators combined with fungicides Donald L. Hopkins 183-186 PDF
Efficacy of 1,3-dichloropropene + chloropicrin and metam-na on yellow nutsedge tubers planted at varying growth stages Timothy N. Motis, Salvadore J. Locascio, James P. Gilreath 189-192 PDF
Alternative fumigants applied with standard and virtually impermeable mulches for tomato Salvadore J. Locascio, Donald W. Dickson 192-194 PDF
Evaluating nutsedge control (cyperus spp.) With various formulations and rates of 1,3-dichloropropene chemigated using drip tape under two polyethylene mulches Robert C. Hochmuth, Wayne E. Davis, William M. Stall, Eric H. Simonne, Anthony W. Weiss 195-196 PDF
Field soilless culture as an alternative to soil methyl bromide for tomato and pepper George J. Hochmuth, Cesario Jasso_Chaverri, Robert C. Hochmuth, Suzanne C. Stapleton, Steven A. Sargent, Elizabeth M. Lamb, Mark A. Wade 197-199 PDF
Yield of polyethylene-mulched bell pepper (Ccapsicum annuum l.) as affected by time of emergence and population density of smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus l.) J. Pablo Morales-Payan, William M. Stall 200-202 PDF
Improved tomato production with summer cover crops and reduced irrigation rates Qingren Wang, Herbert Bryan, Waldemar Klassen, Yuncong Li, Merlyn Codallo, Aref Abdul-Baki 202-207 PDF
Assessment of foliar sprays to alleviate flooding injury in corn (zea mays l.) Renuka Rao, Herbert H. Bryan, Stewart T. Reed, Florence D'ambrosio 208-211 PDF
Incidence of blossom-end rot and fruit firmness of tomato affected by irrigation quantity and calcium source M. D. Taylor, S. J. Locascio, M. R. Alligood 211-214 PDF
Custom-made drip-irrigation systems for integrated water and nutrient management research and demonstrations Eric H. Simonne, David W. Studstill, Michael D. Dukes, Robert C. Hochmuth, Wayne E. Davis, Gene Mcavoy, John R. Duval 214-219 PDF
Use of prohexadione-ca to increase early yield and reduce establishment irrigation of strawberry (fragaria xananassa John R. Duval 220-222 PDF
Response of fresh-market tomato cultivars to soil-applied biostimulant Alexander A. Csizinszky 222-225 PDF
Effect of within-row plant spacing on sweetcorn grown on muck soil, belle glade, florida, spring and fall 2001 Kenneth D. Shuler 226-232 PDF
Pumpkin yield and size when grown on four plastic mulches as a second crop James M. White 232-233 PDF
Yield and economic evaluation of okra varieties produced on calcareous soils in Southern Florida Teresa W. Olczyk, Buren Regalado, Eric H. Simonne 234-236 PDF
Brightly colored pepper cultivars for greenhouse production in Florida Nicole L. Shaw, Daniel J. Gantliffe 236-241 PDF
Performance of new uf/ifas strawberry cultivars planted on three dates in october Craig K. Chandler, James C. Sumler,Jr 241-242 PDF
Gibberellic acid applied to sweet oranges increases juice yield by reducing peel volume Matthew W. Fidelibus, Arthur A. Teixeira, Frederick S. Davies 243-246 PDF
Improving efficacy of abscission sprays for mechanical harvesting of oranges Muhammad Farooq, Masoud Salyani, Jodie D. Whitney 247-252 PDF
Shipments of Florida ornamentals to the U.S. and Canada Richard Beilock, George L. Harrison 253-258 PDF
Limb dieback of flowering dogwood caused by Colletotrichum acutatum James O. Strandberg, Dan O. Chellemi 259-262 PDF
Identification of one-septate cylindrocladium species affecting spathiphyllum and rumohra adiantiformis (leatherleaf fern) in Florida David J. Norman, Richard J. Henny, Jeanne Yuen, Laura Reich 263-266 PDF
Propagation and establishment of perennial peanuts for ground covers along roadsides and highway ramps Aref A. Abdul-Baki, Herbert H. Bryan, Waldemar Klassen, Maharanie Codallo 267-272 PDF
Rating landscape trees: lessons learned from an expert survey Alfredo B. Lorenzo, Catalino A. Blanche, James F. Henson, Edwin R. Duck 272-275 PDF
Effectiveness of broadcast application of telone c-35 and tillam + devrinol in tomato James P. Gilreath, John M. Mirusso, Joseph W. Noling, John P. Jones, Phyllis R. Gilreath 276-280 PDF
Current status of ASBVd infection among avocado accessions in the national germplasm collection Cecile T. Olano, Raymond J. Schnell, David N. Kuhn 280-282 PDF
Food oils reduce postharvest pitting and influence the storage quality of grapefruit Huating Dou, Robert Hagenmaier, Zhiguo Ju, Eric Curry 283-287 PDF
NAA thinning of 'Murcott': comparison of small plot and commercial harvest data Ed Stover, Scott Ciliento, Mark Ritenour, Charles Counter 287-291 PDF
Analysis of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamates in citrus processing byproducts by high performance liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization-mass spectrometry John A. Manthey 292-297 PDF
Postprocessing dip maintains quality and extends the shelf life of fresh-cut apple Jinhe Bai, Elizabeth A. Baldwin 297-300 PDF
Storage of 'Marsh' grapefruit and 'Valencia' oranges with different coatings Robert D. Hagenmaier, Kevin Goodner, Russell Rousseff, Huating Dou 303-308 PDF
Control of Liriomyza trifolii (burgess) (diptera: agromyzidae) using various insecticides Dakshina R. Seal, Rodelay Betancourt, Catherine M. Sabines 308-314 PDF
Effect of organic fertilizer applications on growth, yield and pests of vegetable crops Dan O. Chellemi, George Lazarovits 315-321 PDF
Comparison of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam for control of the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii, and the leafminer,Liriomyza trifolii, on tomato David J.S. Chuster, Robert F. Morris II 321-329 PDF
Variation in the sugar accumulation pattern of muscadine grape genotypes Ashok k. Jain, S. M. Basha, Alfredo B. Lorenzo, J. Lu, Stephen Leong 329-336 PDF
Developmental changes in the amino acid content of muscadine grape genotypes Ashok K. Jain, S. M. Basha, Odemari Mbuya, Stephen Leong 337-342 PDF