The leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) is an important pest affecting vegetable crops in South Florida. It is highly capable of developing resistance to insecticides. Studies were conducted with various compounds in an effort to devise the best control strategy of leafminer on vegetable crops. Abamectin and Spinosin provided excellent control of leafminers on 'Pod Squad' beans. Indoxacarb alone provided poor control of this pest; however, in combination with Agri-Dex®, indoxacarb provided significant control of leafminers larvae and pupae. Indoxacarb in combination with certain surfactants was equally effective to the first, second and third instars of leafminer on 'Pod Squad' beans. An increase in the level of leafminer control was achieved when azadirachtin was applied in combination with Agri-Dex®, Silwet® and Jointventure®. Among nonionic surfactants, Kinetic® and Cohere® significantly reduced leafminer larvae. Thiamethoxam applied at the rates of 4 and 8 oz/acre provided significant reduction of leafminers on tomatoes during 4 weeks of sampling. Indoxacarb did not affect emergence of the leafminer parasite, Diglyphus sp., whereas indoxacarb in combination with various surfactants significantly reduced leafminer parasites. This information has important bearings to the vegetable growers of south Florida. Based on this information, growers will be able to use environmentally benign insecticides in rotation with abamectin and spinosin to achieve better control of leafminers, protect natural enemies and retard the development of insecticide resistance.