Perspectives of Overage Graduates:Issues That Affected Their Schooling
Dropout, Overage, Grade Retention, Social-emotionalAbstract
The research is intended to examine the perspectives of overage graduates who completed years of schooling as an overage student. Background: There have been numerous studies on overage students but none from the perspective of the students themselves. The research questions: From the perspective of graduates who were two-or-three years overage for a given grade, what social, emotional, academic, or other issues affected their schooling? Methodology: Sequential qualitative interviewing of four participants who completed school 2 to 3 years overage for a grade. The data was analyzed with the use of the constant comparative method and synthesized into emergent themes. Findings: The findings provided narrative insight into what it was like to experience schooling two or more years overage for grade thus revealing elements of social-emotional, academic, familial, and school-based issues that impacted their school experience.