Lifelong Learning—A “Life Cycle” Approach to Education and Training for the Biopharmaceutical Industry
The Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) at North Carolina State University is an instructional center that offers education and training programs in the area of biopharmaceutical process development and manufacturing. Our programs are designed to provide educational opportunities throughout the “life cycle” of a professional – not only for 2 undergraduate and graduate students at NC State, but also for professionals already active in the industry. Many who participate in our programs are chemical engineers.
Based on our experience, both the need and demand for learning opportunities is high among all experience levels, whether an undergraduate considering a career in the biopharmaceutical industry or a more seasoned professional. And feedback from the students and industry we serve is extremely positive.
This article provides details on the design of BTEC’s education and training programs, the impact they are having on our students, and future directions.