Guiding Principles for Teaching: Distilled From My First Few Years of Teaching


  • Carolyn W.T. Lee Northeastern University


Nothing prepared me better for my role as a teacher than my first few years of teaching.  As I continue on my journey as a teacher and a learner, here are the guiding principles for teaching that were distilled from those formative years: 1) Choose the best path for learning; 2) Outline the path taken; 3) Engage your students in their own learning; 4) Promote an environment that encourages questions, learning, and respect for others.

Author Biography

Carolyn W.T. Lee, Northeastern University

Carolyn W. T. Lee is currently an assistant professor at Northeastern University. She pursued her undergraduate education at the University of Kansas and her graduate education at Cornell University. She began her teaching career as a Visiting Professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Her research interests are in biochemical engineering, specifically the production of medicinal compounds from plant cell cultures.





