Incorporating High School Outreach into Chemical Engineering Courses


  • Julia M. Ross University of Maryland
  • Taryn M. Bayles University of Maryland


Summer School Poster Session Paper

Over the past three years, we have incorporated high school outreach projects into two ChE courses: Heat and Mass Transfer and Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. The semester-long group projects culminate with a presentation to a high school science or math class. Key aspects of the projects include interactive presentations, "leave behind" technical information, career information, and group self-assessment. Feedback from high school teachers and students as well as UMBC participants has been overwhelmingly positive.

Author Biographies

Julia M. Ross, University of Maryland

Julia M. Ross is an Associate Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at UMBC. She has a BS degree from Purdue University and a PhD from Rice University, both in chemical engineering. Her research interests are in the area of cellular engineering. In particular, her work focuses on bacterial adhesion to physiological surfaces.

Taryn M. Bayles, University of Maryland

Taryn Bayles is a Visiting Lecturer of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at UMBC. She has spent half of her career working in industry and the other half teaching engineering. She received her BSChE from New Mexico State University, and her MSChE, MSPetE, and PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. Her research interests focus on engineering education and outreach.






Summer School Special Section