Perspectives in Anthropology
Perspectives in Anthropology features short-form essays on social or practical issues that directly face underrepresented scholars within the field, or timely issues in anthropology. Original research is not required for submissions as the intention is to provide a platform for those who wish to communicate their experiences and perspectives in relation to the field of anthropology. Topics can range from the identification of issues to pathways forward to encourage positive actions for meaningful change. BIPOC and LGBTQI+ individuals are encouraged to submit.
Non-English submissions are welcome, both English and non-English versions will be published. Submissions should be between 500 and 1500 words. Please include a brief summary (< 100 words) of the essay that can be used for promotional purposes (i.e. social media, newsletter).
These submissions are managed by the Perspectives Editor. These submissions are not peer-reviewed and final decisions on its inclusion in the journal will be made by the editorial board. Please see review criteria below for details on how your submission will be assessed.
The deadline has been moved to November 1st, 2020 for inclusion in Volume 1 Issue 2. Please visit for submission guidelines. Please contact our Perspectives Editor Isis Dwyer at or with questions.