Dear Dordo: The World War II Letters of Dorothy and John D. MacDonald
This compilation of letters could appeal to a variety of audiences. It would serve as a primary source for scholars researching WWII and the personal effects of war. Genealogists and historians from the Central and Western N.Y. may benefit. The book might also serve as leisure reading for anyone interested in the narratives of WWII soldiers and their families, or even for those who enjoy a wartime love story, because the letters at times read like a novel. Lastly, fans and scholars of MacDonald would gain a rare glimpse into the writer’s personal life by reading this private correspondence. Overall, an engaging read that a variety of audiences will find educational, stimulating, and illuminating.
The publication’s accessibility as an Open Access eBook is a major bonus. In addition, the editors’ explanation of the process they used to organize and transcribe the letters, as well as the background information they provided about the archival collection, was invaluable. This work could certainly serve as a model for archivists who might have similar treasures in their own collections.
Derechos de autor 2023 Elizabeth Scott
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