Über die Zeitschrift

Focus and Scope

Journal Mission

SFAJ is a peer-reviewed, open access, fully online publication governed and managed completely by members of the Society of Florida Archivists. The Journal focuses on the work of archival professionals working in a variety of settings including archives, libraries, museums, special collections, historical societies, government agencies, and corporate environments.

The Journal aims to address topics relevant to the profession by exploring modern developments, challenges, and opportunities related to archives, records management, and the curatorial sciences more broadly. Therefore submissions touching on topics like archival education and career paths, electronic and digital records, metadata and documentation standards, special formats and preservation strategies, community outreach or classroom instruction, and professional ethics would all be welcome.

It is the hope of the Editorial Board that this publication will foster exciting conversations about progressive archival approaches and best practices in the state of Florida and beyond.

Peer Review Process

Who Can Submit?

SFAJ serves to provide SFA members and others with an opportunity to meaningfully contribute to the profession by way of rigorous research and thoughtful scholarship.

Because scholarly conversation always benefits from a full spectrum of perspectives and viewpoints, the Board welcomes solo submitters as well as collaborators. Furthermore, experienced practitioners, new professionals, and students are all encouraged to submit papers.

Submissions may touch upon a wide range of topics related to archival theory and practice -- we wish to reflect the true diversity of our profession in this publication by showcasing the many contexts in which archivists find themselves.

The Journal seeks submissions in a variety of forms, including but not limited to:

  • Research papers

  • Case studies

  • Content analyses

  • Literature reviews

  • Reflective essays

  • Student scholarship

  • Book and tool reviews

  • Work-in-progress articles

Because we strive to appeal to the archival community at large, authors from all regions are encouraged to submit their work. Please note, however, as SFAJ is Florida based, that contributors writing about their archival work in the state of Florida will receive preferred consideration.

About the Editorial Process

SFAJ is managed by a seven-person editorial board made up of the following roles.

  1. Editor-in-Chief
  2. Review Editor
  3. Copy Editors (2)
  4. Layout Editor
  5. Peer Reviewer Coordinator
  6. Communications Coordinator

The parameters of each of the above positions are explained in the “Editorial Board Roles” section below. In addition, the Journal benefits from the work of peer review volunteers, whose names are listed in the frontmatter of each issue. Each submission will be reviewed by a minimum of two peer reviewers as well as both Journal Editors before it is accepted. 

SFAJ uses a double-blind peer review process, which means that both the reviewers and authors (1) are experts in the field (2) and their identities are concealed throughout the review process to ensure quality and avoid potential bias.

To facilitate this critical process, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity.  For more information on how to prepare your submission for the double-blind peer review process, please consult our Submission Information, which outlines the style and formatting requirements for all journal submissions.

Publication Frequency

The Society of Florida Archivist Journal aims to publish one issue online every calendar year. However, in an effort to provide content to readers as quickly as possible, single articles are published and announced online as they are ready throughout the year. Individual articles are then compiled by the Editorial team into a complete issue on an annual basis. If you have questions about the editorial process or the timeline of publication please contact a member of the Editorial Board.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Submission Information

Submission Information: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

This page provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to the final manuscript submission to SFAJ.

Formatting Requirements

  • DO NOT include a title page

  • A separate single-spaced abstract page should be included and contain the following:

    • An abstract up to 500 words

    • List of keywords for indexing purposes

    • Author(s) name, title, affiliation, address, and email address

    • Avoid abbreviations and diagrams on this page

  • DO NOT include author information on any page other than the abstract page

  • Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single Word or RTF file

  • Document formatting, references, and citation must follow The Chicago Manual of Style and should be consistently double-spaced, including block quotations, notes, bibliography entries, table titles, and figure captions.

  • Page size should be 8.5 x 11-inches. All margins (left, right, top and bottom) should be no less than 1 inch (2.5 cm), including tables and figures

  • Submission must be in English. Foreign terms should be set in italics rather than underlined


Main Body - 12 pt. Times New Roman or the closest comparable font available

Footnotes - 10 pt. Times New Roman or the closest comparable font available


Footnotes must be consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style. Note numbers should always begin with “1” and follow consecutively throughout the paper.

  • In the text:

    • Note numbers are superscripted.

    • Note numbers should be placed at the end of the clause or sentence to which they refer and should be placed after all punctuation, except for the dash.

  • In the notes themselves:

    • Note numbers are full-sized, not raised, and followed by a period (superscripting note numbers in the notes themselves is also acceptable).  

    • Lines within a footnote should be formatted flush left. Place commentary after source documentation when a footnote contains both; separate commentary and documentation by a period.

Images & Illustrations

Images (line drawings, halftones, photos, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines:

  • 300 dpi or higher

  • JPEG or PNG format only

  • Images or illustrations should be included within the textual document. Do not submit separate documents or files

  • Large images or illustrations should be put on pages by themselves

  • Each image or illustration must be sequentially numbered (Eg: Figure 1, Chart 3, Table 4) and identified by a caption

  • All images and illustrations must fit within 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) in both portrait and landscape view.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be high-resolution (300 dpi or better) and follow these guidelines:

  • To the extent possible, tables and figures should appear in the document near where they are referenced in the text

  • Large tables or figures should be put on pages by themselves

  • Avoid the use of overly small type in tables

  • Tables and figures should be included within the textual document. Do not submit separate documents or files

  • All tables and figures must fit within 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) in both portrait and landscape view.


Article-length submissions should be between 2,000 and 8,000 words. Review-style submissions may range between 750 and 1,500 words.


Editorial Board Roles

SFAJ Editorial Board: Roles and Responsibilities 

Editorial Chair (Editor-in-Chief)

  • Appointed by the SFA Executive Board, serves for a minimum of 3 years.

  • Assists SFA Executive Board with reviewing applications and selecting Editorial Board members.

  • Facilitates communication among Editorial Board.

  • Communicates with relevant Executive Board Officers and other Chairs as needed regarding journal distribution, publication, and funding.

  • Coordinates all stages of production in the copy editing, layout, and review processes.

  • Appoints replacement when a member of the Editorial Board is unable to complete tasks.

  • Makes final decisions on journal content, format, and publication with input from Editorial Board.

  • Communicates all journal activities to SFA Executive Board, including final drafts prior to publication.

  • If the Editorial Chair is no longer able to fulfill these duties, the Review Editor will assume these responsibilities until a new Chair is appointed by the SFA Board of Directors.


Review Editor

  • Minimum 3 year commitment preferred.

  • With input from the Editorial Board, identifies submissions appropriate for peer review.

  • Identifies appropriate peer reviewers for submissions.

  • Work with the Peer Review Coordinator to keep the ‘pool’ of potential peer reviewers up to date.

  • Solicits reviews from appropriate peer reviewers for selected submissions.

  • Communicates with reviewers and Editorial Board.

  • Manages submitted peer reviews.

  • Consults with Editorial Board and makes recommendation to Chair for inclusion of submission based on peer reviews.


Layout Editor

  • Minimum 2 year commitment preferred.

  • Creates and implements format and layout for journal and the journal's website.

  • Develops and updates style guidelines for the print journal and the journal's website.

  • Develops and updates submission templates.

  • Selects and works with appropriate software, including Open Journal Systems.

  • Manages all publication layouts (whether web or print), including image and graphic formatting.

  • Contributes to decision regarding inclusion of submission following peer reviews.


Copy Editors (2)

  • Minimum 2 year commitment preferred.

  • Maintains and updates the Journal's’ editorial style guidelines.

  • Ensures publications are free of errors.

  • Ensures publications match journal’s editorial style.

  • Proofreads for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

  • Performs fact checking as needed.

  • Contributes to decision regarding inclusion of submission following peer reviews.


Reviewer Coordinator

  • Recruits peer reviewers from a variety of disciplines to be added to a list/database of potential reviewers, with input from the Editorial Chair and the Review Editor.

  • Maintains and updates this list/database of peer reviewers annually.

  • Acts as the point of contact for all peer reviewers, and fosters reviewer communication with the Journal’s Editorial Board.  

  • Works closely with the Review Editor to make sure appropriate reviewers are available for and assigned to all submissions.


Communications Coordinator

  • Minimum 2 year commitment preferred.

  • Manages communication according to Journal timelines and deadlines.

  • Develops a list of target organizations, institutions, authors, etc. to engage throughout the calendar year.

  • Schedules and crafts regular social media announcements for any and all online outreach.

  • Maintains and updates the language for (bi)annual Call for Papers (CFPs).

  • Keeps up with Mailchimp lists and announcements as needed.

  • Responsible for internal calendaring and communications amongst Board members 


Peer Reviewers

  • Peer reviewers will be selected from a pool of approved reviewers’ names, who have either volunteered or been solicited by both the Review Editor and the Peer Reviewer Coordinator.

  • In addition, the Past President of SFA will also serve as a Peer Reviewer, in order to ensure Executive Board participation in the journal review process.


Editors and Guest Editors (Themed or Special Issues)

  • Minimum 1 year commitment preferred.

  • Assists in identifying submissions appropriate for peer review.

  • Assists in identifying appropriate peer reviewers for submissions.

  • Contributes to decision regarding inclusion of submission based on peer reviews.

  • Assists as needed with all stages of production in the copy editing, layout, and review processes.

  • Fills in when a member of the Editorial Board is unable to complete tasks.


Florida State University


Journal History

The Society of Florida Archivists Journal released its debut issue in December 2018.