Efecto de Coberturas Vivas de Leguminosas en el Control de Algunos Fitonematodos del Cafe en Nicaragua


  • Isabel C. Herrera S.
  • N. Marban-Mendoza


Coffee, Cover Crops, Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus reniformis


The effects of Arachis pintoi, Desmodium ovalifolium, and Stizolobium spp. on M. incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis associated with coffee was evaluated in farms, microplots and laboratory conditions. On farms results showed that D. ovalifolium favored the development of Rotylenchulus but not M. incognita which was suppressed. A. pintoi appeared to reduce nematode populations, particularly R. reniformis. Similar results were obtained in the microplots experiments with naturally infested soil. A. pintoi favored coffee growth as compared with control plants. However, Stizolobium spp. appeared to inhibit coffee growth since drastic reductions of shoot and root weight were observed. Some degree of nematode immobilization was obtained with root exudates at 72 hours of incubation. D. ovalifolium induced 50% immobilization.


