Nematodos en Viveros Frutales en Panama; Diagnostico, Manejo e Importancia Economica
Tropical Fruits, Survey, Management, NurseriesAbstract
A total of 24 species and genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were found associated with 35 tropical fruit tree species in Panama. Nematodes of the genus Helicotylenchus were the most frequent, appearing in 41.3% of root and soil samples, followed by Rotylenchulus, Criconemella, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Xiphinema, and Tylenchulus. Helicotylenchus and Criconemella were present in 19 and 16 nurseries, respectively from a total of 20 sampled. Root knot, lesion, and citrus nematodes should be considered the most important nematodes encountered. Rotylenchulus spp. were found widely distributed in 13 nurseries attacking 18 fruit tree hosts. In most cases, nematode infestations were associated with inadequate agronomic practices within the nursery, such as untreated soil, placement of bagged material over ground, abundance of weeds, excessive slope, and other bad growing conditions. Production and maintenance of fruit tree species together with ornamentals, frequently infested with MeloidDownloads