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Nematologia Mediterranea
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Vol. 36, No. 2 (December 2008)
Vol. 36, No. 2 (December 2008)
Nematodes associated with flowering ornamental plants in Mahallat, Iran
A. Mohammad Deimi, J. J. Chitambar, Z. T. Maafi
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Nemagel - A formulation of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema thermophilum mitigating the shelf-life constraint of the tropics
S. Ganguly, . Anupama, A. Kumar, B. S. Parmar
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Root-knot and other plant-parasitic nematodes associated with fig trees in Portugal
I. M. de O. Abrantes, M. C. Vieira dos Santos, I. L. P. M. da Conceicao, M. S. N. de A. Santos, N. Vovlas
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Effect of leaf and root extracts of Phytolacca americana L. on hatching of Globodera rostochiensis and Meloidogyne artiellia
M. Di Vito, V. Alba, E. Alba, F. Catalano
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First record of Xiphinema dentatum Sturhan, 1978 (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Poland
T. J. Prior, W. Karnkowski, S. Hockland
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Metabolites correlated with cereal cyst nematode resistance in oats (Avena sativa) identified using single seed descent lines
S. Bahraminejad, R. E. Asenstorfer, K. J. Williams, Y. Hayasaka, P. K. Zwer, I. T. Riley, C. J. Schultz
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A literature review on the occurrence of nematodes of the family Longidoridae in Greece
E. A. Tzortzakakis, V. Peneva, D. J. F. Brown, A. D. Avgelis
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Reaction of wheat genotypes to a population of Heterodera avenae from Punjab, India
D. J. Kaur, I. Sharma, V. S. Sohu, N. S. Bains
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Population dynamics of plant parasitic nematodes and their relationships with soil physico-chemical parameters during the fallow period after sugarbeet and leading into tomato cultivation
P. Barbosa, H. Adao, M. Mota
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Effects of inoculation time on damage potential of Aphelenchoides swarupi and Aphelenchus avenae to Rodman’s agaricus, Agaricus bitorquis
S. Kumar, A. S. Khanna, A. K. Verma, Y. S. Chandel
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Description of two new species of rare genera (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea) from Rajasthan, India
P. Bohra, R. Sultana
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Salt suppression of Meloidogyne javanica on tomato
M. R. Karajeh, F. M. Al-Nasir
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Etude comparative de l’adaptation de deux souches du champignon predateur Monacrosporium salinum a la variation de facteurs abiotiques
S. Kallel, S. Elfekih, A. Abdelwahed, M. M. B'Chir
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Description of Parahadronchus shakili (Mononchida: Nematoda) showing some abnormalities in the buccal cavity with an updated key to species of the genus Parahadronchus
T. Jana, A. Chatterjee, B. Manna
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Nematicidal efficacy and persistence of carbosulfan, fenamiphos and triazophos in chickpea following seed treatment
H. C. Meher, V. T. Gajbhiye, G. Singh, H. K. Sharma
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Transformation des reserves energetiques dans les sites trophiques induits par Meloidogyne javanica sur tubercules de pomme de terre
W. Hlaoua, N. Horrigue-Raouani
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