Regulation of Defense-related Gene Expression during Plant-Pathogen Interactions
Plants have evolved a broad array of defense mechanisms involved in disease resistance. These include synthesis of phytoalexin antibiotics and proteinase inhibitors, deposition of cell wall materials, and accumulation of hydrolytic enzymes such as chitinases. Resistance appears to depend on the ability of the host to recognize the pathogen rapidly and induce these defense responses in order to limit pathogen spread. Application of molecular technologies has yielded significant new information on mechanisms involved in pathogen recognition, signal transduction, and defense-related gene activation, and is leading to novel strategies for engineering enhanced disease resistance. We are using these approaches to analyze regulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR), a key enzyme mediating the production of terpenoid defense compounds. This enzyme is encoded by four genes in tomato; hmg2 gene expression is specifically associated with responses to pathogen or defense elicitors. Transgenic plants containing DNA constructs that fuse the hmg2 promoter to a reporter gene have been used to analyze both tissue specificity and patterns of defense-related expression. Because this gene is rapidly induced in tissues directly surrounding the site of ingress by a variety of pathogens, it may serve as a valuable tool in engineering new disease-resistance mechanisms. Key words: disease interaction, gene expression, phytoalexin.Downloads
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