About the Journal

Call for Spring 2024 Issue Contributions

We would hereby like to kindly invite you to contribute to our statewide journal, Florida Libraries, a journal focusing on Florida librarians and related to Florida libraries focusing on a wide variety of perspectives, including technological, social, user, and practical. Its scope covers projects and practices from information professionals in the field.

The intended audience for Florida Libraries Journal is librarians, archivists, and other cultural heritage professionals and educators. The goal of the journal is to provide a timely forum for refereed articles, news, and field notes.

Further contributions include invited articles, editorials, and position papers. High quality color illustrations will add to the informative value of the content.

We would be honored to receive your contributions. Thank you for your support. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please submit it by TBD, 2024.

You may submit your article via our Florida Library Association website found here:

*Please note that you will need to create an account to submit.

You can find our journal publishing guidelines here: https://www.flalib.org/publishing-guidelines

You can find our peer review policies here: https://www.flalib.org/peer-review-policies

If you have any questions please contact the Interim Editor-in-Chief, Mary Daniels at journal@flalib.org.

Current Issue

Vol. 65 No. 2: (Fall/Winter 2022-2023)
					View Vol. 65 No. 2: (Fall/Winter 2022-2023)

The Florida Libraries is a statewide journal focusing on Florida libraries focusing on a wide variety of perspectives, including technological, social, user, and practical. Its scope covers projects and practices from information professionals in the field.  

The intended audience for Florida Libraries Journal is librarians, archivists, and other cultural heritage professionals and educators. The goal of the journal is to provide a timely forum for refereed articles, news, and field notes.  


Published: 2023-07-17
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Volumes included: Vol. 43 No. 1 (2000) - present
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FLA Membership Year: January - December