Teacher Inquiry Strand

The Teacher Inquiry Strand is a series of paper sessions focused on practitioner research, which we define as systematic and intentional inquiry into educator practice situated within a particular educational context. For details about teacher inquiry, we recommend using the following book: Dana, N. F., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2019). The reflective educator's guide to classroom research: Learning to teach and teaching to learn through practitioner inquiry (4th Edition). Corwin Press.

All teacher inquiry proposals must have an educator as the first author. Presentations in this strand will be scheduled for the Thursday of the Annual Meeting, grouped by topic into paper sessions. Each individual paper presentation should be prepared for an average 15-minute time span.

Teachers whose papers are accepted will be asked to register in advance for the 2024 FERA Annual Meeting in order to ensure that the paper presentation is included in the program and appears in the program bulletin. Registration includes membership in FERA. The FERA conference program will include all teacher inquiry papers, research papers, graduate student posters, and symposia on topics and issues of current interest to education professionals, especially those in Florida. Typical FERA audience members include university and college researchers, district and school leaders, and teacher researchers. FERA is the state affiliate of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).


Anyone may submit a proposal, however presenters must be members of FERA and registered for the 2024 FERA Conference in order to be listed on the program. Proposals must be submitted electronically through the online FERA Proposal Submission System. Detailed instructions for using the online system can be found below.

During the submission process, you will be providing information on the following specific items.

  1. Title of the paper or symposium.
  2. Desired session format (paper, symposium, panel discussion, etc.).
  3. First author's name and institutional affiliation.
  4. First author's e-mail address, USPS address, and telephone number.
  5. Names of co-authors or co-presenters (if co-presenters will address different topics, such as in a symposium, list the topic for each co-presenter) and their institutional affiliations.
  6. If proposal is for a symposium, list the names and institutional affiliations of the organizer(s) and facilitator of the symposium.
  7. Abstract of the proposal. It should not exceed 100 words.
  8. Proposal Summary submitted as a file upload. The main body of the proposal text should not exceed five pages, double spaced. DO NOT IDENTIFY THE AUTHOR(S) OR THEIR INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATIONS ANYWHERE IN THE SUMMARY. This will provide for a blind review of the proposal.  This file should include:


a.      Title of the paper or symposium

e.                Methods

b.      Purpose

f.                 Results and conclusions

c.      Rationale and background

g.                Limitations

d.      Data source (population, sample, setting)

h.                Implications

Make a new submission to the FERA 2024 Teacher Inquiry Strand section.