“The City is a Prison, the Desert Paradise”: Hagiographic Promotion of Carthusian Monasticism in the Belles Heures, Carla Funk
The Bible of Borso d’ Este: A Profile of Princely Magnificence and Christian Piety, Amy J. Wright
Partitioning the Parturient: An Exploration of the Aztec Fetishized Female Body, William L. Barnes
Habiti Antichi et Moderni di Tutto il Mondo and the “Myth of Venice”, Traci Elizabeth Timmons
Appropriation of Play in a Victorian Album: Idylls of the King and Other Poems Illustrated by Julia Margaret Cameron, Adera Scheinker
Allegorizing Representation: Gérôme’s Final Phase, Sunanda K. Sanyal
Paula Modersohn-Becker and the Discourse of Motherhood in Turn-of-the-Century Germany, Susan Kloman
The Icon and the Avant-Garde in Russia: Aesthetic Continuity in Tatlin’s Painterly Reliefs, Lauren Bartlett Nagel
The Second Moses: The Messianic Tradition in James Hampton’s Throne of the Third Heaven, Wendy Eller Kagey
A View From Within: Mark Tansey, Mont Sainte-Victorie, and the Iconography of Deconstruction, James W. Rhodes
Framing John Biggers’ Shotguns (1987): African American Art and Identity, Kristin Schreiber Roberts