A Late Classic Ceramic Standing Male Figure from Remojadas, Veracruz, Mexico, Myra Engelhardt
An Overlooked Source of Influence for the Fan Vaulting of the Chapel of Henry VII at Westminster Abbey, Virginia K. Henderson
The Artist as Patron: An Examination of the Supervisory and Patronal Activities of Giuseppe Cesari, the Cavaliere d’Arpino, Thomas M. Bayer
Procession and Return: Bacchus, Poussin, and the Conquest of Ancient Territory, Robert D. Meadows-Rogers
Lilly Martin Spencer: Genre, Aesthetics, and Gender in the Work of a Mid-Nineteenth Century American Woman Artist, Helen S. Langa
The Paradoxical Primitivism in the Early Art of Giorgio de Chirico (1911-17), Roxanne Farrar
The Place of the Skull: Rudolf Steiner and the First Goetheanum, David D. McKinney
El Lissitzky: Revolutionary Images from a Primitive Soul, Karen Richter-Hill