Descripción del ciclo de vida y ampliación de ambito de <i>Rothschildia zacateca</i> (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
Colombia, immature stages, larvae, Neotropical, Rosaceae, Saturniidae, South America, StyracaceaeResumo
Se ilustran en color los adultos y estadios inmaduros de Rothschildia zacateca (Westwood) y se describen los inmaduros por primera vez. Se amplia su rango de distribución restringido hasta recientemente a la localidad típica. Se consiguieron huevos de una hembra capturada y las orugas fueron criadas en el laboratorio sobre Prunus serotina (Rosaceae), atravesando por cinco estadios.
The adult and immature stages of Rothschildia zacateca (Westwood) are illustrated in color, and the immature stages are described for the first time. The known range of distribution of the species is increased from that until recently restricted to the type locality. Eggs were gathered from a captured female and caterpillars were reared in the laboratory on Prunus serotina (Rosaceae). Larvae pass through five instars.