Ecological surveys of the Lepidoptera fauna of the Hunstein range, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, emphasizing butterfly populations and habitat in the Mt. Samsai area.
J. H. Cox
T. C. Emmel
Faunistic survey, biodiversity, local community, sustainable use of resources, conservation
Starting with a preliminary survey of Lepidoptera species in March 1998 in the Hunstein Range of Papua New Guinea, a more intensive community-interactive research project was developed in collaboration with two national PNG government agencies and the University of Papua New Guinea. The first phase was carried out during October 2003 with an expedition to the west slope approach to Mt. Samsai, the highest peak (at 1525 m) in the remote Hunstein Range of southern East Sepik Province. More than 111 butterfly taxa were recorded during the 9-22 October 2003 expedition. Habitats and unusual taxa encountered are discussed and illustrated.