Topic in Zulgo


  • Beat Haller
  • John Watters



Zulgo, topicalization, subordination, syntax


The particle ka in Zulgo is anomalous in terms of the traditional notions which would distinguish topicalization from subordination. Topicalization typically concerns phrasal categories while subordination typically concerns clausal categories. However, in Zulgo the particle ka, which is clearly used to mark a topicalized phrasal element, can also be used to mark clausal elements which at first glance appear to be cases of subordination. Close consideration of these clausal cases suggests that in fact these are also cases of topicalization. This conclusion is based on the notion of what constitutes a "reasonable topic". Zulgo has extended the notion of topicalization across the syntactic categorial boundaries to include constructions which would in other languages be marked by subordinating markers. In fact, Zulgo is extremely free in the types of structures which it permits to serve as topics.


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