Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017)

Dear Reader,
As a fervent researcher, I have come to see and acknowledge the magic of research in my everyday life; when you research, you not only discover fascinating details surrounding your area of study, but you also discover fascinating details about your own capacity, about your heart, about your mind.
I see myself as a nervous and uncoordinated Sophomore, excited to learn about research through FSU’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, an opportunity that, though cliche, changed the path of my life immensely. Here I am, two years later, the Editor-in-Chief of my university’s research journal, conducting exciting research with an esteemed professor, teaching young students about the benefits of research, and working with an incredible team of research enthusiasts to produce a beautiful edition of The Owl. Life is good.
On that note, I, my associate editors, and Dr. Owlivia Hoot, P.h.D., hope that you devour this seventh edition of our journal. The articles that span these pages are the direct result of the undergraduate research culture that is so prevalent and so powerful here at Florida State, and we are happy to publish such inspiring and knowledgeable work by such inspiring and knowledgeable students.
Cheers to Florida State, cheers to passionate undergraduate researchers, cheers to great opportunity, and cheers to us - the future of research and the future of Florida State.
In Vires, Artes, Mortes,
McKenna Britton