Bioremediative management of soybean nematode population densities in crop rotations with velvetbean, cowpea, and winter crops.


  • R. Vargas-Ayala
  • R. Rodriguez-Kabana

Palabras clave:

biological control, cowpea, nematode interactions, oat, population dynamics, rye, soybean, sustainable agriculture, velvetbean, vetch, wheat.


Bioremediative management of soybean nematode population densities in crop rotations with velvetbean, cowpea, and winter crops. Nematropica 31:37-46. A field microplot trial was established to evaluate nematode population dynamics in a rotation program utilizing nematode-suppressive and non-suppressive legumes, and nematode-host and nonhost grass species. The rotation treatments consisted of velvetbean ( Mucuna deeringiana ) or cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ) during the first year, followed in winter by oat ( Avena sativa ), wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), rye ( Secale cereale ), rye grass ( Lolium sp.), clover ( Trifolium sp.), hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa ), lupine ( Lupinus sp.) or fallow. Rotation in the second and third year consisted of soybean ( Glycine max ). Results showed that velvetbean had a generally suppressive effect on populations of root-knot ( Meloidogyne incognita ), cyst ( Heterodera glycines ), and stunt ( Tylenchorhynchus claytoni ) nematodes in soil and roots. It had





