Diferencias Inter e Intraespecificas en la Capacidad Infectiva de Poblaciones de Heterorhabditis y Steinernema aislados en Argentina


  • M. M. A. de Doucet
  • M. E. Doucet
  • K. Nienstedt

Palabras clave:

Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema carpocapsae, S. rara, Infectivity, Galleria mellonella


The infectivity of the entomophagous nematodes Steinernema rara (Doucet, 1986) Poinar, 1990, Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser, 1955) Poinar, 1990, and two populations of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, 1975, isolated from Cordoba, Argentina, was compared under laboratory conditions at 25 C. Infectivity also was compared between infective juveniles obtained from hermaphroditic and amphimictic females of one population of H. bacteriophora. Galleria mellonella was used as a host. Results indicated that H. bacteriophora from the locality of Oliva had a higher infectivity rate (LD{50ø = 3-5) than the other species. There were no differences between S. carpocapsae (LD{50ø= 4-11), S. rara (LD{50ø = 5-13) and H. bacteriophora (LD{50ø = 5-15) from Rio Cuarto locality. Infective juveniles derived from hermaphroditic and amphimictic females had the same rate of infectivity.





