The responses of 10 herb species to Meloidogyne arenaria race 1, M. incognita races 1 and 3, and M. javanica were evaluated in two greenhouse tests. Sixty days after inoculation, roots of basil, lavender, sage, and rosemary had high nematode egg mass indices. Borage, summer savory, and winter savory had intermediate egg mass indices. Roots of sweet marjoram, pot marjoram, and oregano had few or no egg masses. In a Florida field containing fine sand soil, basil and sage supported high population densities of M. incognita while oregano did not. However, relatively large populations of Xiphinema americanum were associated with oregano roots during most of the year. Other nematodes associated with roots of these three herbs were Criconemella amorpha, Paratrichodorus christiei, and Pratylenchus brachyurus.