Bioremediative management of soybean nematode population densities in crop rotations with velvetbean, cowpea, and winter crops. Nematropica 31:37-46. A field microplot trial was established to evaluate nematode population dynamics in a rotation program utilizing nematode-suppressive and non-suppressive legumes, and nematode-host and nonhost grass species. The rotation treatments consisted of velvetbean ( Mucuna deeringiana ) or cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ) during the first year, followed in winter by oat ( Avena sativa ), wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), rye ( Secale cereale ), rye grass ( Lolium sp.), clover ( Trifolium sp.), hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa ), lupine ( Lupinus sp.) or fallow. Rotation in the second and third year consisted of soybean ( Glycine max ). Results showed that velvetbean had a generally suppressive effect on populations of root-knot ( Meloidogyne incognita ), cyst ( Heterodera glycines ), and stunt ( Tylenchorhynchus claytoni ) nematodes in soil and roots. It had