Description of Parahadronchus shakili (Mononchida: Nematoda) showing some abnormalities in the buccal cavity with an updated key to species of the genus Parahadronchus


  • T. Jana
  • A. Chatterjee
  • B. Manna


Parahadronchus shakili (Jairajpuri, 1969) Mulvey, 1978 is widely distributed in India. The morphometrics of a population showing some abnormalities in the buccal cavity are reported. Both female and male specimens were collected from the district South 24-Parganas, West Bengal, India. Female body 2.74-2.85 mm long; a = 32.9-35.6; b = 4.2-4.5; c = 6.3-7.4; c´ = 7.7-12.8; V% = 65.1-72.8. Gonads double, ovary reflexed, length of ovary less than oviduct length, uterus longer than oviduct, sphincter distinct at oviduct-uterus junction. A few females gravid with 2-4 large intra-uterine eggs. Male body 2.90-3.55 mm long; a = 45.0-53.7; b = 4.8-5.1; c = 8.3-9.7; c´ = 4.7-6.4; PO = 11-15. Female and male specimens generally have four sub-ventral teeth on each of the two sub-ventral walls of the buccal cavity, but a few male specimens from South 24-Parganas showed some variability in their buccal cavity. Their two sub-ventral walls bear 0-5 sub-ventral teeth. Among the eleven described species of the genus Parahadronchus Mulvey, 1978, eight were reported from India. An updated list of species under the genus Parahadronchus and a key to their identification have been included.


