First record of Xiphinema dentatum Sturhan, 1978 (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Poland


  • T. J. Prior
  • W. Karnkowski
  • S. Hockland


Xiphinema dentatum Sturhan, 1978 was found in the rhizosphere of Carpinus betulus L. (Hornbeam) in the Zoobotanical Garden of Torun, Poland. This nematode, originally described from Germany, has since been found and described from territories of the former Yugoslavia (Barsi and Horvatovic´, 1986; Barsi, 1989, 1996; Radivojevic´ and Baujard, 1998) and Slovak Republic (Lisˇková, 1994). This is a new record for Polish fauna.


