Surveys undertaken in Turkey, during spring 1991 and summer 1992, revealed that root-lesion nematodes were the most common of the several plant parasitic nematodes associated with chickpea and lentil. Pratylenchus thornei, P. penetrans and P. mediterraneus occurred throughout the country and were suspected to reduce crop yields. P. alleni and P. zeae were also present in a few fields. Among other root-Iesion nematodes, Pratylenchoides leiocauda was widespread, while P. alkani and P. erzurumensis, and Zygotylenchus guevarai were present in a few samples only. Heterodera ciceri was detected in twelve fields of chickpea and two of lentil, although severe damage was observed only on chickpea. Meloidogyne artiellia was observed in one field only. Ditylenchus dipsaci was found in two samples of lentil. Other nematodes found in the soil were species of Helicotylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, paratylenchus, Tylenchus, Longidorus, Trophurus, Trichodorus, Criconemoides, Heterodera, Meloidogyne and Xphinema index, X. pachtaicum and X. italiae.