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Nematologia Mediterranea
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Vol. 8, No. 1 (June 1980)
Vol. 8, No. 1 (June 1980)
Two new species of Helicotylenchus Steiner, 1945 (Tylenchida: Nematoda) from Maharashtra, India
K. S. Darekar, E. Khan
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Assorbimento e deassorbimento dell'1,2 dibromo-3-cloropropano (DBCP) in differenti tipi di terreno
M. Basile, F. Lamberti, F. Elia
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Indagini preliminari sulla presenza di nematodi vettori di virus delle piante in tre aree di interesse agrario di Lombardia e Piemonte
F. Lamberti, G. Belli, Maria I. Coiro, A. Fortusini
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Osservazioni sull'apparato riproduttore di un nematode marino: Mesacanthion hirsutum Gerlach, 1953 (Enoplidae)
S. Grimaldi de Zio, M. R. Morone De Lucia, M. D'Addabbo Gallo
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Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Mylonchulus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida)
M. E. Doucet
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Penetration, development and histopathology of root-knot nematodes in tomato NTDR-1
Y. D. Narayana, D. D. R. Reddy
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The role of nitrogen, amino acids and phenols in resistance of tomato to root-knot nematodes
Y. D. Narayana, D. D. R. Reddy
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The influence of light quality on the growth and fecondity of Meloidogyne infesting tomato
A. F. Bird, M. R. Sauer, R. N. Chapman, B. R. Loveys
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The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on the growth of olive and in relation to infestations of Rotylenchulus reniformis
T. Badra, M. M. Khattab
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Two new sheathoid nematodes (Nematoda: Criconematidae) from the mediterranea region
N. Vovlas
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Prove di lotta chimica contro Meloidogyne incognita su Peperone in Puglia
M. Di Vito, F. Lamberti
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Nuevos datos sobre la morfologia de Heterodera avenae en España
M. Dolores Romero
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A female of Xiphinema vuittenezi with two vulvae
M. I. Coiro, F. Lamberti
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Pathogenicity of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cowpea
D. C. Gupta, B. S. Yadav
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Heterodera latipons especie nueva para España
M. Dolores Romero
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Observations on the male of Xiphinema italiae
F. Lamberti, F. P. D'Errico
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Reaction of citrus and noncitrus rootstocks to Tylenchulus semipenetrans
V. Lo Giudice, R. N. Inserra
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Effect of some organic materials on root-knot nematodes on tomatoes in field preliminary experiments
F. P. D'Errico, F. Di Maio
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