Hatching of cysts and infectivity of Heterodera ciceri on chickpea
I. Kaloshian
N. Greco
A. T. Saad
Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of temperature on hatching of cysts of Heterodera ciceri and on the infectivity of its second-stage juveniles to chickpea seedlings. Hatching tests showed that the emergence of juveniles was substantial at 10, 15,20, and 25°C and negligible at 5 and 30°C. Maximum emergence was obtained at 25°C (31%), which was not significantly different from that of 200 e (25%) and 15°C (16%) at P=0.05. Significantly more second-stage juveniles invaded the roots of chickpea seedlings at 10. 15 and 20°C than at 25 and 30°C.