0006. Primer registro de <I>Trypoxylon mexicanum</I> para la Hispaniola, Antillas Mayores (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Crabronidae)


  • J. A. Genaro

Palabras clave:

Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Trypoxylon mexicanum, Hispaniola, Dominican Republic, first record, natural history


Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) mexicanum (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) belongs to the albitarse group, which includes the larger species of the genus. Its native distribution extends throughout Central America from Mexico to Panama. Here it is reported for the first time from Hispaniola, West Indies. Because it is difficult to envisage such a conspicuous species having eluded capture any naturalist or aculeate specialist previously, I consider that it has recently arrived on the island. It may have arrived due to the trade with Central America, since the nests, made of mud, can easily transport the immatures that subsequently emerge and disperse after their arrival on the island. T. mexicanum is established at least in the Dominican Republic, with a wide distribution and large populations. This demonstrates the ecological success of a recently established population on the island, perhaps due to escape from natural enemies and an absence of other limiting factors. The females were observed at puddles of water on the roads where they pick up mud with which they construct their tubular nests. Brood cells were provisioned exclusively with several species of spiders of Araneidae. An endemic spider, Eustala bisetosa Bryant was also used as prey. Other data about natural history is also provided.





