0176. Notes on nomenclature in <em>Xylotrupes</em> Hope (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Dynastini) Authors J. Mark Rowland Abstract A list of taxa belonging to Xylotrupes Hope (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Dynastini) is presented which incorporates several taxonomic actions: X. australicus darwinia Rowland comb. nov.; X. damarensis Rowland stat. nov.; X. lorquini zideki Rowland comb. nov.; X. macleayi szekessyi Endrödi comb. nov.; X. pachycera Rowland stat. nov.; X. philippinensis philippinensis Endrödi stat. nov.; X. philippinensis peregrinus Rowland comb. nov.; X. sumatrensis tanahmelayu Rowland comb. nov.; X. tadoana Rowland stat. nov.; X. telemachos Rowland stat. nov.; X. wiltrudae Silvestre stat. nov. Two new taxa are described: X. carinulus sp. nov. and X. clinias buru ssp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for X. lamachus Minck and X. clinias Schaufuss. Xylotrupes lamachus is found to be a junior subjective synonym of X. ulysses (Guérin-Méneville), new synonymy. Downloads PDF Published 2011-05-06 Issue Articles 0175-0181 (06 May 2011) Section Articles