<I>Paederus,</I> sensu lato (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): An Index and Review of the Taxa


  • J.H. Frank


Generic, subgeneric, specific, subspecific, and infra-subspecific names in Paederus (sensu lato) are compiled alphabetically with literature references, showing that 622 specific names stand in the literature as valid. Five replacement names are required due to homonymy: Paederus cumanus Frank [ nom. nov. for Paederus bicolor Wendeler nec Olivier], Paederus sulawesi Frank [ nom. nov. for Paederus melanocephalus Heller nec Fabricius], Paecerus zairensis Frank [nom. nov. for Paederus orophilus Fagel nec Paederidus brunnescens orophilus (Fagel)], Paederus irianensis Frank [nom. nov. for Paederus litoreus Last nec Paederus littoreus Austin], and Oreopaederus manyemensis Frank [nom. nov. for Oreopaederusater (Bernhauer) nec Paederidus rubrothoracicusater (Eichler)]. Four unjustified replacement names ( Paederus archeus Blackwelder, Paederus homonymus Blackwelder, Paederus erichoni Wollaston, and Paederus samoensis Fauvel) are here attributed to their respective senior synonyms ( Paederus elongatus Wendeler, Paederus tricolor Erichson, Paederus angolensis Erichson, and Paederus vitiensis Fauvel). Paederus limnophilus Erichson is a junior synomym of Paederus limophilus Heer. Of the 622 names, one is that of a fossil species and 264 are of species which have not yet been attributed to taxa more precise than Paederus (sensu lato). Concepts of the Afrotropical/Malagasy species are due to Fagel (1958a-1973), and among the 281 species recognized, 157 are attributed to Paederus Fabricius (sensu Fagel) and the remainder to the related genera Paederidus Mulsant & Rey (36), Allopaederus Fagel (3), Madecapaederus Fagel (11), Pachypaederus Fagel (19), and Oreopaederus Fagel (55). Concepts of classification of species from other parts of the world are due mainly to Scheerpeltz (1957); 14 are attributed to the Asian genera Ctenopaederus Fagel (1), Eupaederus Scheerpeltz (2), Diplopaederus Scheerpeltz (2), Oncopaederus Scheerpeltz (1) and Megalopaederus Scheerpeltz (8), while 46 species of the western Paleartic region ate attributed to Paedelus (sensu Scheerpeltz and Coiffait) (33) and related genera Paedetldus (10), Lobopaederus Scheerpeltz (1), Parameropaederus Scheerpeltz (1), and Uncopaederus Korge (1). Eleven names stand as subgenera of Paederus (Pseudopaederus, Bernhauer, Gnathopaederus Chapin, Eopaederus Scheerpeltz, Harpopaederus Scheerpeltz, Heteropaederus Scheerpeltz, Dioncopaederus Scheerpeltz, Oedopaederus Scheerpeltz, Anomalopaederus Scheerpeltz, Oreinopaederus Scheerpeltz, and Nepalopaederus Scheerpeltz), but none of these has many species attributed to it and only the western Palearctic species have been assigned systematically to subgenera. Paederus (sensu lato) is the subtribe Paederi (Casey 1905, Fagel 1958a) or Paederina (Herman 1981), with the subtribe Dolicai (Fagel 1958a) or Dolicaonina (Herman 1981) as closest relative. The 2 major taxonomic needs are to review and redescribe the species of the Nearctic, Neotropical, Oriental, Oceanian and Australasian regions, and to extend Fagel's (1958a) methods to examine the higher classification of Paederus (sensu lato) worldwide.





